Welcome to Write Before The End

In honor of my gram’s birthday, I introduce you to Write Before The End.

I’m so excited to share my vision with you.

This has been a dream of mine for years, but I couldn’t see the full picture. The idea for this site has been on my heart for over a decade. While in Grad school we were assigned to make a business plan. In 2012, the business I came up with was called Memories Matter. As I created the plan, excitement flooded me. It wasn’t the right time, for many reasons, but I knew it was something I needed to do, eventually.

As I’ve traveled along my healing journey the last few years, piece of this started falling into place. For the last couple of years it felt like there was this swirling ball of ideas hovering over my head. I was just waiting for it to funnel into something tangible. I saw pieces, but never enough to know what I should be doing.

I didn’t give up. I gathered the ideas and listened to what was needed. Write Before The End was born from the desire of giving people the gift I didn’t receive. I had always intended on writing my gram’s stories, but time stole our tomorrows. Losing my gram (and her stories) was something I had always feared. She was my person, and I figured if I didn’t write her story, she couldn’t leave. Sadly, I was wrong.

I’m a story-less orphan.

Left without much of my family.

I don’t have anyone I can go to if I want to learn about my family history, health issues, or anything, really. I’m left with only my memories. Left to create the story of my family on my own.

I don’t want anyone else to know how lonely it feels to be left without the stories of their loved ones. I want to help preserve as many stories as I can. With Write Before The End, we can work together and keep as many stories alive as possible.

Take some time and check out what Write Before The End can offer you. There is a monthly newsletter that will offer some writing prompts and encouragement to write, Write, WRITE!! Maybe you can even help someone write their story. Take the questions and interview someone you love. Combine your stories into one book. The possibilities are endless.

Someone, somewhere wants to read your stories. You might already know who you want to gift with your story, or maybe they haven’t even been born yet.

Have fun. Reminisce. But whatever you do, don’t take your story with you!!

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